
Short update...

I'm tired. I am so tired of things coming so close to what I want but being unable to deliver on the basics. Now, I am at an impasse; I can either continue to use a software that is under a license I can't release my changed under (because I disgaree with the GPLv3) or write my own. These are my absolute must-haves from a web framework, which I have yet to find:

  • PHP 5.3
    • Namespaced (yes, I want my own class named "core" or "request")
    • Can be used with SPL autoloader
  • Sensible routing like F3 (which is all I use F3 for right now)
    • Don't load every class I put into the route definitions (F3::map() I'm talking to you)
      • If you must, make it a debug setting I can turn off. I don't need every mapped class autoloaded just to check if my map isn't sane. That can be done in QA/debugging/etc
  • Let me use Smarty 3
    • It's an awesome library, still needs namespacing per SPL
This Just In: HOLY GOD!
And as I write these complaints... I find Respect -- my prayers may have been answered. Testing will commence tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I'm someone who fell into the hole of possibly rolling my own, using a fat framework like Yii, or deciding between the quirkiness of Fat-Free and Flourish.

    How have you gotten on with Respect? I'd love to know!
